Published by Budenheimer Terrassen GmbH
represented by the managing director Julia Gille
Commercial register no.: HR 49334, Mainz Local Court
Sales tax identification no.: 0867070454
Registered office in Germany: Binger Straße 94 55257 Budenheim
Phone: +49 172 8686771
Disclaimer of warranty
We constantly check and update the information on our website. Despite all due care, the information
information may have changed in the meantime. We therefore accept no liability or guarantee for the topicality, accuracy and completeness of the information provided can therefore not be accepted. The PP agency is not responsible for the
content and presentation of other websites to which reference is made via hyperlinks.
Nor do we accept any liability for information on third-party websites that refer to the Gille & Partner
site via a link.
The content, compilation, structure and presentation of the Gille & Partner website are protected by copyright.
The reproduction and distribution of information or data (text, images, graphics, sound, video or animation files) is prohibited without the prior written consent of PP. This also applies to the
reproduction and distribution in extracts.